During the global financial crisis, luxury goods were suffered the test but Chinese markets have just become Windfall for luxury brands of international company. Shenyang as the economic center of Chinese northeast area, the growth rates of luxury consumption have achieved 15% every year, the amazing purchasing power have surpassed advanced Beijing, Shanghai those major cities levels.
2010 Shenyang International Luxury Exhibition, International top grade brands join hands with China Shenyang, Shenyang invite you appreciate luxury and resplendent history of quality brands together. This luxury exhibition will accord with “Assembly of Fine Goods, Guide for Consumption” as purport; insist on “Sending Top Grade Luxury Culture, Give Attention to Top Living Style for High Level People of Northeast area” as direction, embodies international and national luxury feature, interprets top luxuries elegant demeanour. This exhibition also set the higher platform of communication for home and aboard trade companies who really favor Chinese northeast luxury markets, could make their products close to high level people of northeast area and promote the development for northeast top grade luxuries.
展會內容:本屆奢侈品展共設《座駕》、《珍饈》、《私享》、《典藏》四大專題展區。并以獨到品味演繹奢華風尚,以其上品生活背后的品牌文化講述百年奢侈品卓越品質。座 駕 區:頂級汽車、摩托車、豪華游艇、私人飛機
珍 饈 區:名酒、美食、私人保健
私 享 區:珠寶名表、服裝服飾、雪茄煙具、數碼、娛樂視聽、休閑健身、私人會所、高爾夫球會、奢華旅游、航空公司、金融理財、高檔美容及醫療機構
典 藏 區:豪宅、別墅、酒店、收藏品、藝術品、古玩、名貴家具、家居裝飾
價格類別 | 價格 | 價格說明 |
特裝價格 | 3000 元/平米 | 不少于7平米 |
活動類別 | 活動內容 |
研討會/論壇 | 百年璀璨名品品鑒慈善酒會 |
展商活動 | 特邀VIP最喜愛的參展品牌評選活動 |
展商活動 | 2010沈陽國際奢侈品展覽會開幕式暨奢侈品牌新品發布會 |
展商活動 | 殿堂級奢侈品品牌文化鑒賞區 |
主 辦:遼寧經典奢侈品傳媒科技有限公司承 辦:《經典奢侈品》掌門匯、沈陽華博會展有限公司
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